Finding Direction
Sensory Integration Theory and Empathy
Sensory Integration Theory and Empathy
I'll be honest. I hate storyboards. I also dislike infographics. Why are you making me draw stuff? I like looking at visuals, but I can't say that making them is particularly helpful to my process. Unless I am just free-drawing with no specified intent to communicate particular information. I do, however, find mind maps and systems diagrams to be extremely helpful in organizing my thoughts, so I made a mind map of my research and thoughts so far. The process revealed a few relationships that I hadn't been able to articulate previously. I made a systems diagram of the people involved in the situation, which I think helped me to better define the problem. I think there are some complexities from the situation missing. I also think that this diagram could appear to be defining the problem to solve as Autism Spectrum Disorders. I see the problem as judgments and discomforts that arise from behaviors that do not easily fit into a predominantly neuro-typical society.
I decided to make a second go at the Mind Map and Systems Diagram because... well, how do you itereate on a mood board? I will continue to refine the mood board? Or maybe separate it into visual resources for designing for adults and non-visual references for understanding Autism and sensory processing disorders. Pinterest is fun. In the meantime, I tried to clean up and clarify the structures that began to form in my first mind map and systems diagram. They pretty much turned out the same.
The Art and Science of Dance/Movement Therapy: Life Is Dance by Sharon Chaiklin
The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism by Naoki Higashida
The Autistic Brain: Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed by Temple Grandin
These three books in particular look like good places to start focusing my research on adults living conventionally successful lives (Grandin) while coping with sensory integration issues, understanding what it might feel like to be a teenager with Autism, particularly with respect to movement (Higashida), and dissecting the scientific research behind dance therapy (Chaiklin). As a life-long dancer, I have experienced uniquely vivid, inspiring, substantive moments in movement, in which my physical, emotional, and intellectual sensibilities have aligned in a particularly fulfilling way. I wonder if there is a way to help other find that same sense of satisfaction.
Topic: I am studying movement based coping mechanisms and therapies
Question: because I want to find out how movement and technology can help people with Sensory Processing Disorders
Significance: in order to help my reader/audience understand Sensory Processing Disorders, as well as how to design for them.
I am refining the question in the direction of understanding and creating new therapies for adults with Sensory Processing Disorders. I understand that there is a community that believes Sensory Integration Theory to be invalid and the associated alternative therapies to be ineffective, but my research so far suggests that this is a promising line of inquiry. I also see a need in the case of adults and teenagers with sensory processing issues for aesthetically age-appropriate therapies and life-style appropriate tools for making the struggles of integrating into a neurotypical society less burdensome.
Social Reminder/Practice App
Wearable Movement/Touch Simulator
Sensory Processing Disorder Simulator
Discrete wearable calming device
Program for training movement therapists
Campaign for Autism awareness
Communicator for Spousal Relationships
Therapy Progress Tracker/Measurer
Empathy-driven Sensory Art Installation